Microelectronics | System Design Hardware Catalog


I created this page in order to maintain a list of assembly numbers associated with my x86 system design projects.
The list helps me to assign new assembly numbers to each new printed circuit board that I design.

Hardware Catalog

The x86 printed circuit board assembly number hardware catalog is listed below.

HardwareVersion and RevisionAssembly
16-bit ATX ISA BackplaneVER. 1.6 REV. B2486-SBP-001
32-bit 80386DX ISA Single Board MicrocomputerVER. 1.8 REV. E2486-SBMC-101
ISA Video Display ControllerVER. 1.3 REV. E2486-VDC-201
ISA I/O InterfaceVER. 1.4 REV. D2486-IOIF-301
ISA Audio InterfaceVER. 1.1 REV. B2486-AIF-401
ISA Network InterfaceVER. 1.0 REV. A2486-NIF-501
ISA Solid State DriveVER. 1.0 REV. A2486-SIF-601
ISA Quad Compact Flash InterfaceVER. 1.0 REV. A2486-SIF-602
ISA Signal View InterfaceVER. 1.0 REV. B2486-SVIF-901
VDC/A RAMDAC AdapterVER. 1.0 REV. E2486-RDA-902
VDC/A DRAM Refresh DriverVER. 1.0 REV. C2486-DRD-903
ISA PC Speaker DriverVER. 1.2 REV. D2486-SPKD-905
7-segment Hexadecimal DecoderVER. 1.0 REV. A2486-HDCD-906
4Mx9 FPM/EDO 30-pin SIMMVER. 1.2 REV. B2486-SIMM-430


Not all of my projects that already have assembly numbers assigned are public.
In the future, I might (or not) publish the schematics and/or any other details about them.

Copyright © 2004- Alexandru Groza
All rights reserved.
VER. 1.0 | REV. A