Alexandru Groza - Projects
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Microprogramming TECHNIQUES active
Microelectronics active
GitHub Repositories active
Vintage Audio active
Personal Weblog active
PhotoWork active
Old Disc Drives active
AGNET Server active
Vacuum Tubes active
Passat 3A (B4) discontinued

I am a longtime computer programmer and electronics engineer.

I started programming back in 1993 on an 80386SX / 25 MHz machine. I was using x86 assembly language and Object Pascal. As information was scarce, I learned mainly by trial and error and reading the help system of the utilities that I was using. I learned strong design guidelines and solid architecture from computer literature of the era. This is my underlying stone on which I built all of my current knowledge.

I was always strongly driven to create minimalist functional graphical user interfaces to access the business logic behind my software. As for the source code, I always guided myself by the less is more principle. I produce heavily structured, self-explaining, ultra optimized source code. Not a single line more than needed. I have been faithful to these principles ever since.

Although I worked with both CISC and RISC, I have always emphasized CISC and especially x86. Nostalgia? Maybe. I worked with various microcontrollers, Z80, and x86 microprocessors. Then I started designing my own computers, initially a few Z80-based designs. But then I shifted to x86 system design. I designed a 32-bit 80386DX-based machine that you can see presented in the Microelectronics sub-site.

In 1993 I also began assembling simple circuits based on schematics published within the electronics literature of the time. Then I started crafting my own. I am interested in analog audio signal amplification and digital microelectronics.

I regularly maintain the projects with an active status. Discontinued projects are displayed only for historical reasons and should be treated as archive.

Legal: The work presented on all of my sites is proprietary and cannot be used without my written consent. All rights reserved.

about me
Education Technical University
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering
Specialization Embedded Systems Control / Microelectronics
Degree Awarded dipl. engineer
Native Language Romanian
Foreign Languages English (proficient)
French (proficient)
Computing Platforms Microsoft Windows (all versions, proficient)
Microsoft DOS (all versions, proficient)
Apple macOS (all versions, intermediate)
UNIX (FreeBSD, basic-intermediate)
Computer Technologies Pascal (RTL, Turbo Vision, inline assembly, proficient)
Delphi (RTL, VCL, FMX, inline assembly, proficient)
C/C++ (runtime, inline assembly, intermediate)
HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript (intermediate)
8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit Assembly (intermediate)
8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit Inverse Assembly (intermediate)
Reverse Engineering (advanced)
Debugging (proficient)
GIT, SVN, TFS subversioning (advanced)
Technical Documentation (proficient)
Engineering Skills x86 ISA and PCI System Design
Discrete Digital Microelectronics System Design
Microcontroller and Microcomputer System Design
Reverse Engineering of Complex Digital Systems
Logical Analysis of Multiple Parallel Bus Digital Systems
High Complexity Electronic Design Automation
Microprogramming of Embedded Devices
Analog Signal Amplification
Vacuum Tube Technology Research
Management Skills JIRA Issue Tracking System (proficient)
Team Leading and Project Management (proficient)
Audio/Video Skills Audio Processing and Filtering (intermediate)
Graphics Processing and Design (intermediate)
Other Skills Hobby Cyclist
Hobby Photographer
Electric Guitar Player
Private Server Operator
Copyright © 1998- Alexandru Groza